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Town in the Round - II Painting by Scott Kirby

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Comments (13)

Dennis Baswell

Dennis Baswell

congrats on sale Scott

Irina Sztukowski

Irina Sztukowski

Congratulations on your sale!

Ramesh Nair

Ramesh Nair

Beautiful work Scott! So pleased to hear of your sale.

Stefan Kaertner

Stefan Kaertner

Awesome sky!

Stephanie Reid

Stephanie Reid

Really love this one!

Matias Larzabal

Matias Larzabal

you art is wonderful

Leonie Higgins Noone

Leonie Higgins Noone

Far out! This is awesome. So many beautiful paintings. :):)

Alan Kenny

Alan Kenny

i,m dizzy, well done!

Susan Kinney

Susan Kinney

This is wild!!! I love it :-)

Jay D Anderson

Jay D Anderson

Outrageous! Your work really does touch me deeply and do what I think at should do. Kudos from a fellow artist... I think the best comments you can get are from fellow jealous artists... right? Artists don't tend to buy from other artists... I would buy from you... I can't hang my own stuff in my home cause I keep wanting to mess with it... never is finished... if you know what I mean. Love your work!!!!! Persepective is accurate... though distorted somewhat... maybe exaggerated? Hell... everything is exaggerated even the color... vibrant and rich... it is like candy. Those "Hot Tomales" come to mind... there is cinnamon candy... then there are "Hot Tomales"... you can hardly eat them they are so "HOT"... so spicey. Then there are the "Super Hot Tomales"... those... even an African pal of mine (who comes from a part of the world where they eat the hottest of hot) told me that they can't eat them. My friend couldnt' even look at your work..;. no doubt... too much spice at one time!!!

Joe  Triano

Joe Triano

Innovative work Scott, your imagination is mind blowing -- Genius! . ..........Joe

Anna  Kobalyan

Anna Kobalyan

very koool =]

Paul Tokarski

Paul Tokarski

Watercolors, WOW! Wonderful imagination and control.

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Town in the Round - II by Scott Kirby
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